Best Books of 2022

Best Memories of 2022

FairyLoot Buddy Reads

January Purchases | 2023
This is a little bit of a different month when it comes to my monthly purchases! While I did acquire some clothing, I bought some more practical items that I decided to include here on my list. I’m really pleased with everything I got this month and for once, I

January Wrap Up | 2023
I can’t believe we’re already a full month into 2023? Like, how?! It seems almost impossible but while time was flying by, I certainly managed to read my fair share of books this month. I finally feel settled into my new routine and while I don’t love commuting, I do

Mini Reviews #16: Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six, Finlay Donovan 2 & 3
Mini-Reviews is a blog series where I’ll be sharing mini reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. Each post will include 3 books I’ve recently read and will be grouped by genre (though we’re bound to get a hodgepodge post every once in a while!). Let me know if you’ve

February TBR
I’ve been really enjoying not having a strict TBR to follow since 2022 was definitely a lower volume reading year for me. Because I was able to get back into a regular reading routine, and read so many books in January (17 BOOKS WOO- my best reading month since February 2022!), I decided

January Book Haul | 2023
As you guys know, I’m trying to reduce my physical TBR this year so I’m trying really hard to cut back on hauling books. Obviously, I can’t resist completely- let’s not get crazy here. I also feel like special edition books have gotten totally out of hand lately. It’s impossible

February Book Releases | 2023
In making my February list, I forced myself to stick to spotlighting 12 new book releases but when I tell you it was a struggle, I am not kidding! Once again, the month is brimming with new books and there are quite a few of them that I have my

Getting My TBR Down to 100 Books!
My most ambitious reading goal for 2023 is the goal I’m most focused on completing. It’s not going to be easy, but I am DETERMINED. Believe me when I say, 2023 is the year that I will get my physical TBR down to 100 books (or less). Some of you

From My Camera Roll Vol.1
I’m trying out a new post series on the blog! It’s called ‘From My Camera Roll,’ and it’s pretty self explanatory. I definitely have fallen out of love with instagram over the past year+ but I still love taking photos! I often end up having so many photos in my camera

Mini Reviews #15: The Storyteller, The Big Bang Theory & Still Just a Geek
Mini-Reviews is a blog series where I’ll be sharing mini reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. Each post will include 3 books I’ve recently read and will be grouped by genre (though we’re bound to get a hodgepodge post every once in a while!). Let me know if you’ve

Mini Reviews #14: Lovelight Farms, One Italian Summer & The Friend Zone
Mini-Reviews is a blog series where I’ll be sharing mini reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. Each post will include 3 books I’ve recently read and will be grouped by genre (though we’re bound to get a hodgepodge post every once in a while!). Let me know if you’ve
Merrily Kristin is an NYC based lifestyle blog with a focus on books, fashion, city guides, and beyond.