Best Books of 2022

Best Memories of 2022

FairyLoot Buddy Reads

12 to Read in 2023 Check In
I don’t want to jinx myself, but I think there’s a really good chance that this will be the first year I ever complete my 12 books to read in a year TBR. I started the year really strong and knocked 6 books off of my list between January through

Tuckernuck Summer Dresses
Fall has always been my favorite season for shopping but Summer has become a very close second over the past two years. I’m such a sucker for a good dress. I love being able to throw on a single piece of clothing, look put together, feel comfortable, and just call

Kindle Unlimited TBR
So, I had a Kindle Unlimited subscription for a couple of months years ago but there wasn’t a ton on it so I cancelled it long ago. In the past couple of years, they’ve added so many titles and so many indie romance fantasy books are available on KU that I’ve been

Special Editions Books Wish List
If you’ve read any of my monthly books hauls on the blog (or watched any on YouTube), you’ll know that I’m a complete sucker for special editions. I am entirely powerless in the face of a pretty book. There have been so many announcements of new special editions lately that

Mini-Reviews #23: Family of Liars, How to Sell a Haunted House & Liar’s Beach
Mini-Reviews is a blog series where I’ll be sharing mini reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. Each post will include 3 books I’ve recently read and will be grouped by genre (though we’re bound to get a hodgepodge post every once in a while!). Let me know if you’ve

May Purchases | 2023
The highlight of my month was definitely the Hill House Home summer drop! Not only is this the best collection drop they’ve ever done, I also had a blast texting constantly about it with Alexa and Rachel while we chose our pieces. On drop day, I actually ventured to the store

May Wrap Up | 2023
May was a bit of a slower reading month for me, however I did manage to finish 11 books. To be honest, my mind was just all over the place between planning for summer and trying to adjust to a healthier lifestyle in relation to food and exercise. All good things,

May Book Haul | 2023
Me looking at my May book haul pile: *OH NO I BOUGHT TOO MUCH THIS MONTH!* Me writing my May book haul post: I take it back- lots of special editions shipped this month and I got a couple of books from publishers- I actually purchased under 10 books myself.

June Book Releases | 2023
Summer is in the air! Summer is always the best season for romance and thriller releases (all the beach reads please!) so I’m excited to share my very long list with you today. We’ve got a nice mix of both genres, plus a nonfiction book I’ve been really looking forward

Mini-Reviews #22: Happy Place, Meet Me at the Lake & The Happy Ever After Playlist
Mini-Reviews is a blog series where I’ll be sharing mini reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. Each post will include 3 books I’ve recently read and will be grouped by genre (though we’re bound to get a hodgepodge post every once in a while!). Let me know if you’ve
Merrily Kristin is an NYC based lifestyle blog with a focus on books, fashion, city guides, and beyond.