Best Books of 2022

Best Memories of 2022

FairyLoot Buddy Reads

Best Books of 2020
My favorite end of year list to compile each year is my best books of the year list. These are books that I read during the year and loved, though they weren’t necessarily released in 2020. I’m going to be posting a more in depth look at my reading year

December 2020 Book Haul
The awful year that is 2020 is finally coming to a close so we’re ending on a high note with my last book haul of the year. Good riddance 2020. In my November book haul post (my first book haul on the new blog!), I talked about how my goal is to

December Purchases
I have to be honest and say that I kind of cheated when it comes to December purchases. The majority of what I have to share here are things I picked up on super sale over the course of Black Friday / Cyber Monday (which truly felt like it lasted

Paranormal Book Club
The Paranormal Book Club is the brain child of Alexa from Alexa Loves Books, DJ from Life in Fiction, Rachel from Hello Chelly and myself! On a not-so recent visit to The Strand Bookstore, we were standing in the YA fantasy section (as per usual), and we began reminiscing and feeling nostalgic about

Best TV Shows of 2020
As I mentioned in my best movies post, I read 100 less books in 2020 than I did in 2019, so I had way more television options to choose favorites from. My absolute standout of the year if I were only able to pick one series would be Star Trek: The

Best Movies of 2020
There’s a direct correlation between my tv and movie watching and the number of books I read in a year. I ended up reading half of what I read in 2019, which means I watched a lot of television. I normally don’t have enough to choose from to make a list-

Mini Reviews #3 – The Year of Less, Save Me the Plums & Digital Minimalism
Mini-Reviews is a blog series where I’ll be sharing mini reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. Each post will include 3 books I’ve recently read and will be grouped by genre (though we’re bound to get a hodgepodge post every once in a while!). Let me know if you’ve

Happy Holidays!
What a year. I think everyone can agree with me when I say that I’m ready to kiss 2020 goodbye but one good thing that came out of the year is that I finally had time to send out Christmas cards to our loved ones! We haven’t sent out holiday

My Christmas Wish List
It almost seems silly to create a Christmas wish list when I already know what I’ll be getting (an iPhone 12 Pro YAY!), but I just can’t help myself. I love lists. Here are some things I’ve been coveting lately. Since I’ve been largely into basics and classic pieces, my

Mini-Reviews #2: With the Fire on High, Say Yes Summer & Love, Creekwood
All of the books in this installment are ones I read over the Summer and had planned to film video reviews for… but I haven’t filmed a video since July so here we are. With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo – Let’s start things off on a high note
Merrily Kristin is an NYC based lifestyle blog with a focus on books, fashion, city guides, and beyond.