Best Books of 2022

Best Memories of 2022

FairyLoot Buddy Reads

Happy 2022!
I’m yet again heading into another new year full of hope and optimism that our world will be in a better place this year. I’m so grateful for all of the time I was able to spend with family and friends over the past year and I’m going to continue

2022 Fashion Wish List
I made myself a fashion wish list for 2022 to put in my bullet journal but my friend Rachel convinced me to share it on the blog as well! In writing out why I want the items on this list, there were a couple of themes consistent throughout. 1) I’ve been

Star Wars Wish List
Hi! It’s been a while since my last blog post but I decided to channel some of my energy into the things I’m loving lately. Today I’m sharing my recent Star Wars wish list (which is partially a Star-Wars-recent-purchases-but-they-haven’t-arrived-yet list)! I’ve been catching up on all of the Star Wars

5 Reasons I’m Excited to Read Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson
It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Margaret Rogerson. Her last book, Sorcery of Thorns, cemented her as an all time favorite author for me and I’ve been eagerly awaiting her new release Vespertine (which I now have an ARC copy of thanks to Simon Teen!). Here are

Harry Potter Store VR Experience
I somehow managed to get an invite to test out the two new VR experiences opening at the Harry Potter store in NYC on July 15th and I swear it made all of my childhood dreams come true. As you all know, Harry Potter was a very formative book series

Favorite Outfits of the Week #1
After a year of wearing pajamas, it’s been so much fun to transition back to real clothes again and put thought and effort into my daily outfits so I wanted to start documenting some of them here. Favorite Outfits of the Week is a new series on my blog where

Quality Eats, Ralphs & Central Park
Andrew and my favorite brunch spot in NYC is hands down Quality Eats. We had been dying to go back so when my brother reached out and said that he and his fiance would be in NYC, we immediately made reservations! Sadly they didn’t have the pistachio strawberry morning bun

Books to Read in July | TBR
I’m so happy to report that my reading slump has finally subsided! After barely reading anything in the first three weeks of June, I managed to read 5 books in the last week and a half. I’m also really excited to share that I picked A Court of Silver Flames

LEAF Flower Festival, Chelsea Market & Employee’s Only
After so many weekends away, I had been looking forward to spending the rest of the day at home after my reunion with Alexa, Rachel and DJ… until I saw photos from the LEAF Flower Festival on Instagram. I stopped home for 15 minutes and Andrew was a great sport about heading back

June Purchases
June was an interesting month of purchases because in the beginning of the month, I really focused on getting new clothes for Andrew and on some home decor! Flash forward to the second half of the month and my impending office reopening I picked up a lot of new clothes
Merrily Kristin is an NYC based lifestyle blog with a focus on books, fashion, city guides, and beyond.