Best Books of 2022

Best Memories of 2022

FairyLoot Buddy Reads

The Bright Side Vol. 2
Hello friends! This was another really cold week in NYC but Andrew and I braved the weather on his birthday for brunch at Clinton St. Baking Co. (delicious), ice cream at the Lower East Side Ice Cream Factory (also delicious despite the 16 degree weather) and to the theater to

February TBR | 2022
It’s only the second month of the year, and while I did manage to read a ton in January, I feel like I didn’t get to some of the books I was most excited about. That’s largely due to a combination of picking up library loans when they come off

January Purchases | 2022
As I mentioned in my 2022 goals and resolutions post, this is the year of budgeting for me so each of these purchases was extremely intentional and thought out before actually taking the plunge. There are a couple of December purchases in the mix since I haven’t posted about them!

Mini-Reviews #6: The Wedding Ringer, Rock Paper Scissors & When You Get the Chance
Mini-Reviews is a blog series where I’ll be sharing mini reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. Each post will include 3 books I’ve recently read and will be grouped by genre (though we’re bound to get a hodgepodge post every once in a while!). Let me know if you’ve

The Bright Side Vol. 1
Happy Friday! This was a really short week for us because both Andrew and I were off on Monday for MLK day and then we also took off today for Andrew’s birthday! It’s been really cold so we’ve been staying in and watching lots of Star Trek: Voyager on Paramount Plus (though

February Book Releases | 2022
With one successful month of completing my 2022 goal of reducing my physical TBR, I found that I was having trouble keeping track of which new releases I most want to read. In the past, I would pre-order anything that sounded interesting to me but since I’m not letting that

My 2022 TBR
Since I haven’t been filming YouTube videos as of late, I missed out on posting all of my favorite end of the year content (in all honesty, I actually had this particular topic filmed and edited but I’ve had zero motivation to get it posted). This 2022 list encompasses 12

Mini-Reviews #5: Klara and the Sun, No One is Talking About This & Norse Mythology
Mini-Reviews is a blog series where I’ll be sharing mini reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. Each post will include 3 books I’ve recently read and will be grouped by genre (though we’re bound to get a hodgepodge post every once in a while!). Let me know if you’ve

Mini-Reviews #4: Walden, Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media & The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Mini-Reviews is a blog series where I’ll be sharing mini reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. Each post will include 3 books I’ve recently read and will be grouped by genre (though we’re bound to get a hodgepodge post every once in a while!). Let me know if you’ve

2022 Goals & Resolutions
Every year on New Year’s Day, Andrew and I sit down with big cups of coffee (him) and tea (me) and review our goals from the previous year. We see what we accomplished, what we’ve gotten better about, which goals don’t feel relevant anymore and which goals we want to continue
Merrily Kristin is an NYC based lifestyle blog with a focus on books, fashion, city guides, and beyond.