Best Books of 2022

Best Memories of 2022

FairyLoot Buddy Reads

The Bright Side Vol 8
What. A. Week. It’s been a roller coaster ride of emotion! Andrew and I found a house that we love (I fell really hard for it!) and after putting in an offer, we got accepted! Two days later we had the inspection and found out that there were so many

April TBR
My April TBR has a lot of carryover books from my March TBR and it’s largely because of my complete and utter lack of reading time last month! I’m really hoping April will be a better reading month for me, but there’s a good chance it’ll be even more chaotic

April Book Releases | 2022
There are so many books coming out in April (and almost all of the ones on this list are coming out on April 5th)! I feel like I said that in March but it was once again pretty tough to narrow down my list. There’s a good mix of age

The Bright Side Vol. 7
This was probably the most exciting and most exhausting week of all time. Andrew and I began our house hunt (which is continuing on tomorrow!) and I’ve had a blast looking at potential places and learning what I like and don’t like. We’re pretty easy going about “must-haves” and are

2022 Ice Cream #4-#6
It’s time for my next ice cream post of the year! Now that we’re heading into warmer weather, do not be surprised if these posts become more frequent :-) #4 – Stuffed – Ube Pandan Coconut Swirlz & Cookie Monster Stuffed announced on instagram that they were debuting a new

The Bright Side Vol. 6
I feel like I had such an amazing week so I’ve been really energized heading into the warmer weather! Last weekend we went to Long Island to celebrate my dad’s birthday and it was so much fun! We visited my grandfather a couple of times, we went to a lovely

The Bright Side Vol. 5
This week flew by! It’s the second week in a row where I’ve been exercising every weekday when I get home from work and it’s making me feel like I have so much less time. Thankfully I feel good health-wise so the tradeoff is worth it. Last weekend Andrew and

February Book Haul | 2022
I didn’t really buy many books this month, but I did get some special editions that I’m thrilled to be adding to my collection! While the special editions are no longer available, I’m still going to link to a page where you can buy the regular edition in case you’re

February Wrap Up | 2022
I had such a strange reading month in February. I almost didn’t read a single book on my planned TBR and instead found myself consumed by Star Wars (graphic novels, making of books, regular novels, audiobooks, etc). One the one hand, it did put me at 49 books read for

March Book Releases | 2022
March is a huge month for book releases! I had a really tough time narrowing my list down to only 12 releases but in my opinion, these are the most exciting ones to look out for. There’s a good mix of favorite / repeat authors for me as well as
Merrily Kristin is an NYC based lifestyle blog with a focus on books, fashion, city guides, and beyond.