Best Books of 2022

Best Memories of 2022

FairyLoot Buddy Reads

10 Things Vol. 3
Hi! It’s been quite a while so I thought it would be best to get back to blogging with a new 10 things post. I hope you’ve been well! 1) My brain is pretty fixated on home decor and renovations at the moment. Everyone kept telling us that there would

July Book Releases | 2022
It feels like I just posted my June new releases post… and since I was a little late getting that post up, I suppose the feeling makes sense! But alas, July, the best month of the year and my birthday month, is finally upon us! I’m looking forward to the Fourth

Summer Bucket List | 2022
I completed a whole bunch of items on my Spring Bucket List, some of the biggest tasks being moving, buying a house and updating my passport. And during all of the madness, I also managed to complete some fun items like finally visiting the Planting Fields Arboretum and re-reading Heir

May (Favorite) Purchases | 2022
Huzzah! This is my last catch up post of the year and then I can move forward with current happenings. Similarly to April, I’m only going to round up my favorite purchases of the month, versus everything I purchased. I think I’m going to keep this format going forward! 1.

April & May Wrap Up | 2022
I’m going to be combining my April and May wrap up posts into one since I didn’t end up reading a ton with all of the packing, moving, house hunting and traveling. I read a total of 6 books in April (and I still haven’t finished Oathbringer or Heir of

The Bright Side Vol. 11
I’m so excited to be going into the weekend knowing that we’ll be spending more time at home than we have in what feels like ages! We do have two family BBQs to attend on the Island, but neither starts until later in the day. We’ve been doing so much travel

April & May Book Haul | 2022
It’s been quite the adjustment trying to figure out when I’m able to fit blogging into my routine with the long commute I now have each weekday. On top of that, Andrew and I went on vacation and I went on a work trip, all shortly after moving so I

April (Favorite) Purchases | 2022
I cannot even remember what I purchased or when but I know I placed a ton of orders before we moved / gave up having a doorman to accept our packages. In an effort to make this post shorter, I’m only going to be sharing my favorite purchases of April

June Book Releases | 2022
Hello! I finally have a couple of blog posts planned for the next couple of weeks (I will be catching up on some belated wrap ups and book hauls) but I thought it made the most sense to start with some June new releases so the post doesn’t feel out

May Book Releases | 2022
Usually May is a huge month for book releases as we’re heading into the summer but things in publishing are still out of whack from the pandemic. It was pretty easy to put together my list for this month and it includes a well rounded mix of thrillers, romance and
Merrily Kristin is an NYC based lifestyle blog with a focus on books, fashion, city guides, and beyond.